
Judaism is a “silent character” in Nora Ephron’s legacy

Ilana Kaplan’s new book Nora Ephron at the Movies talks about the idea of “comfort”  21 times.  That makes sense. “Comfortable” describes the aesthetic of  Ephron’s films: cable-knit sweaters, oversized jeans, a city somehow perpetually in autumn. Ephron’s rom-coms with strong female leads have nourished generations of movie-lovers and are often called “comfort films.”  In contrast, the word “Jewish” appears only three times in Kaplan’s book, and twice just to describe a certain deli that acts as the setting in one of Ephron’s most iconic scenes . The book focuses on Ephron’s impact on the world of film, not the writer-director’s Jewish background.  That’s true to real life. As those who knew the late Ephron personally attest , Ephron’s Jewish identity was something that indeed textured her life and films, but it was by no means the center of her work, nor did she want her background to define her. “She wanted to be known as a director, and not a female director and not a J

Netanyahu: Sinwar's killing marks 'beginning of day after Hamas'

In video statement, PM calls Hamas leader's death turning point in war and urges Gaza residents to release hostages or face consequences, declaring collapse of Hamas rule imminent from ynet - News

Former KKK leader David Duke endorses Jill Stein for president

( JTA ) — David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, who is Jewish, on his radio show Tuesday. Duke, long one of the country’s highest-profile white supremacists and antisemites, has repeatedly sought political office while spreading conspiracy theories about Jews. In his endorsement of Stein, he said that she was the candidate with the strongest stance against “Jewish power” because she opposed Israel’s military campaign. “Although Dr. Stein and I obviously have our differences on important issues, she’s the only candidate who speaks clearly against the war in the Middle East and Ukraine,” Duke said on his radio show. “By opposing Jewish supremacy in Israel and Jewish mass murder in Israel, and the policies of the American government in these insane wars and the Ukrainian war there, she’s actually doing something which is harming this Jewish power.” Duke is an unlikely supporter of Stein, who in addition to being Jewis

'Starvation': UN Security Council criticized Israel in emergency session on Gaza

International community in meeting on humanitarian situation in the Strip accuse Israel of 'policy of starvation' amid IDF operations in the area and US threats of an arms embargo from ynet - News

Pope Francis owes Jews an apology

Amid the anguished commemorations of the events of last Oct. 7, Pope Francis issued a letter to Catholics in the Middle East. It lamented the “the fuse of hatred” lit a year ago and urged his followers in the region to “defeat our one true enemy: the spirit of evil that foments war, because it is ’murderous from the beginning,’ and ‘a liar and the father of lies.’” Most people would perceive those words as anodyne, even praiseworthy. But anyone familiar with the New Testament book of John knows these are words that for centuries have demonized Jews, and have been used as a pretext for attacking them. The Vatican needs to issue a clarification, if not outright apology, for implying the antisemitic sentiment. Why? Well, first, some background. It’s a gross understatement to say the Catholic Church has come a long way with regard to its attitude toward the Jewish people. Early Church figures like St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. John Chrysostom were rabidly anti-Jewish. The former called

'Israel wasn't established by UN resolution, but through blood of heroic fighters': Netanyahu pans Macron

In call with French leader, PM stresses Israel’s efforts aimed at eliminating Hezbollah threat and secure return of northern residents, following Macron's criticism that Israel cannot disregard UN resolutions from ynet - News

VIDEO: The yeshiva student who became a poet

ס׳איז לעצטנס אַרויס אויף יוטוב אַן אינטערוויו מיטן טאַלאַנטירטן ייִדישן פּאָעט און איבערזעצער ירמיהו אַהרן טאַוב . דער שמועס, געפֿירט פֿון אלי בענעדיקט און פּראָדוצירט דורך דער „ייִדיש־ליגע“, איז אין גאַנצן אויף ייִדיש. דער ווידעאָ איז טייל פֿון אַן אָנגייענדיקער סעריע אינטערוויוען מיט הײַנטיקע ייִדיש־רעדנדיקע פּערזענלעכקייטן. ‫‫ירמיהו אַהרן טאַוב איז געבוירן געוואָרן און אויפֿגעוואַקסן בײַ אַן אָרטאָדאָקסישער משפּחה אין פֿילאַדעלפֿיע און וווינט הײַנט אין וואַשינגטאָן. ער איז דער מחבר פֿון זעקס פּאָעזיע־ביכער און צוויי פּראָזעביכער אויף ייִדיש און ענגליש. אין 2014 איז אין פּויזן, פּוילן, אַרויס אַ קאָמפּאַקטדיסק מיט נײַן פֿון זײַנע מוזיקירטע ייִדישע לידער. אין 2020 איז פּובליקירט געוואָרן זײַן איבערזעצונג פֿון די זכרונות פֿון ירחמיאל בריקס — אַ טרילאָגיע פֿון בריקסעס אויטאָביאָגראַפֿיעס, אַרײַנגערעכנט זײַן לעבן אין אַ חסידישן שטעטל פֿאַרן חורבן , דאָס ערשטע יאָר פֿון דער מלחמה , און זײַנע איבערלעבונגען ווי אַ צוואַנג־אַרבעטער בײַ די דײַטשן.‫ אין דעם ווידעאָ דערציילט טאַוב וועגן זײ

PM consults Gallant, Military chief on response to Iran missile strike

 The unannounced meeting is held in an intelligence base after the Biden administration decides to deploy its THAAD air defense system to assist Israel in intercepting ballistic missiles from ynet - News

IDF strikes Christian area in Lebanon in 1st since war

At least 18 reported killed; Saudi media says the target was a senior member of Hezbollah; earlier reports claim local mayors fearful of displaced with Hezbollah ties bringing danger  from ynet - News

Columbus may have had Jewish heritage — that doesn’t mean he was Jewish

To discover that Christopher Columbus, long whispered to have Jewish heritage, had markers of Sephardic DNA is to me about as monumental as learning the Earth is round circa 1492. In other words, it’s a belated conclusion that should effectively change little about how we understand the world today — even if some would have it otherwise.  Columbus didn’t embark to prove the Earth’s shape, as Stan Freberg insisted ; people of his time knew the world was spherical. Evidence suggests Columbus was sailing in service of a devout Catholic worldview for a Catholic kingdom, which, that same year expelled its Jews in an action he appears in his writings to have supported.  Still, a new Spanish documentary, which revealed that , after a 22-year investigation into Columbus and his son’s remains, researchers found “traits compatible with Jewish origin,” made international news in time for Columbus’ namesake holiday, now also known as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The development, causing a fair amo

Meet Poland's new ambassador to Israel: This is what he answered when asked if he thinks Israel is committing genocide in Gaza

Maciej Hunia has previously visited Israel and has held several senior positions in his homeland, including head of Poland's intelligence service and military intelligence agency; Poland has not had an envoy in Israel for a long time from ynet - News

On tour in South America, Paul McCartney attends Yom Kippur services in Santiago, Chile

( JTA ) — You could say he said sorry with a little help from his friends. Paul McCartney, the former Beatle, attended Yom Kippur services on Saturday with his Jewish wife in Santiago, Chile. He had performed a solo concert there on Friday night, the beginning of the Jewish holiday of atonement. Ariela Agosin, president of Chile Jewish Community, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that McCartney had arranged his attendance at the Círculo Israelita Synagogue through a friend but that very few in the congregation had been aware in advance that he would be present. “It was very moving to have the presence of Sir Paul and his wife Nancy Shevell among us,” Agosin said. “Of course, as a community we feel honored by their company and respect the moment of recognition they wanted to give by attending Yizkor, the memorial service of the deceased.” Shevell’s father, Myron, died in 2022 ; her mother Arlene, a cousin of Barbara Walters, died in 1991. Photos taken in Santiago show McCartney an

Trump: 'Bibi has been very strong, not listening to Biden'

U.S. Republican candidate says in Fox News interview prime minister met with him in Florida despite his office saying no such meeting took place from ynet - News

Vanished without a trace: Where is Iran’s Quds Force commander?

Tehran dismisses reports Esmail Qaani had a heart attack while under investigation as ‘fake news’; however, questions regarding Iranian general’s whereabouts linger for weeks from ynet - News

18 years after brother fell, he steps into Lebanon: 'I’m here to finish what Benaya started'

On Rosh Hashanah eve, Dovi Rhein was called up for reserve duty on northern border and entered Lebanon, where his brother Maj. Benaya Rhein fell in 2006; 'I wish we didn’t have to do this, but Hezbollah has left us no choice' from ynet - News

What’s up with the swastikas and Nazi imagery in ‘Megalopolis?’

No film this year has had as polarizing a reception as Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis , a sci-fi epic that had been in the works for over 40 years. Critics have been divided on whether the movie, with its convoluted plot and ostentatious (but simultaneously cheap-looking) CGI, is a stroke of innovative movie genius or a vacuous ego-stroke. Something that hasn’t been discussed as much is the film’s use of Nazi motifs. In one of the movie’s main storylines, Clodio Pulcher (Shia LeBeouf), the cousin of protagonist Cesar Catilina (Adam Driver), attempts to gain control of the city of New Rome. Clodio — even more so than his billionaire grandfather Crassus (Jon Voight) — seems based, at least in part, on Donald Trump — a man who presents himself as a political outsider who will uplift the unheard voices of the common folk with the slogan “Make Rome Great Again,” even though he’s the wealthy, wastrel son of the head of the National Bank. At one point during a rally, he steps up onto

‘A Sukkah on the Argentine grasslands’ (short story)

This is part of a series of Yiddish holiday stories translated by Miriam Udel that are being published in the Forward before each holiday. Udel prefaces each story with an introduction to provide useful context for the reader. Depending on where you live, the sukkah is almost always too cold, too hot, too rainy or too windy. We love it, though, despite and perhaps also because of these discomforts. Dwelling in it reminds us of how the Israelites lived in tents throughout 40 years of wandering in the desert. When a sharp gust of wind blows and we feel the sukkah’s vulnerability, we also confront our own. The holiday evokes this delicate balance, which has lasted throughout Jewish history, between feeling safe and protected on the one hand and feeling precarious and uncertain on the other. The breeze on Sukkos is delightful. It can rustle fabric “walls” and make sparkly decorations twinkle in the sunlight. But what happens to our holiday rejoicing when the wind blows at gale force, an

How about we make the next season of ‘Nobody Wants This’ a little less antisemitic?

Apparently everybody wanted Netflix’s hot rabbi rom-com Nobody Wants This ; the show has already been watched by millions and renewed for a second season less than one month after its debut. Viewers swooned over Adam Brody as the rabbi dating a non-Jewish, and his chemistry with Kristen Bell, who plays the girlfriend, Joanne. Jews, however, had complaints .  The rabbi, though hot and charming, is framed as an anomaly in a religion otherwise portrayed as strange and off-putting. The Jewish women in the show are nagging shrews who serve as foils to set off the hot, fun, very blonde shiksas — a pejorative term the show deploys liberally — to whom the Jewish men are inexorably drawn. Just to name a few of the tropes at play. Related Netflix finally gave Jews our Hot Rabbi. Too bad every other Jew in the show sucks When The Los Angeles Times asked the show’s creator, Erin Foster, about her unflattering portrayal of Jews, she said that, having already made her rabbi a hot

Netanyahu’s government is serving Iran’s strategy — not fighting it

During the last month here in Israel, three facts have become clearer than ever. First, Israel is the strongest military force between the Caspian Sea and Gibraltar, thanks mainly to highly accurate intelligence, precise weapons systems, and highly motivated and well-trained fighters. The high-tech elite among Israel’s young generation are accountable for all three advantages. Second, a regional alliance against the axis of evil — Iran and its proxies — is effective, as demonstrated again in its success thwarting the Iranian missile attack last week. Third, Iran is an imperialist, aggressive power, using territories of weak, failed states to wage massive attacks against a country 1,000 kilometers away. No matter how powerful the Israeli response will be, Iran will continue its aggressive quest for regional hegemony and a status of global power. And so the struggle against it will inevitably continue. So far, the “ring of fire” Iran has built against Israel has failed. The spirit

NYPD hate crimes unit is investigating alleged assault on pro-Israel leader

( New York Jewish Week ) — The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the alleged assault of a prominent Israel advocate at a pro-Palestinian protest in New York on Oct. 7. That day, the one-year anniversary of Hamas’ invasion of Israel, footage spread online of Todd Richman unfurling an Israeli flag in the middle of the city’s main pro-Palestinian protest. Protesters then attempted to grab the flag and, following a brief profanity-filled argument and altercation, hit Richman multiple times. He emerged with a bloody nose. Richman, chairman of the political advocacy group Democratic Majority for Israel, was also wearing a shirt reading “Bring Them Home Now,” a call for the release of hostages held by Hamas. The video was first posted by a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon , a conservative outlet, and has more than a million views as of Thursday afternoon. Police told the New York Jewish Week on Thursday that they are investigating the incident, which took place in the afte