Prime Minister Netanyahu will compensate ultra-orthodox factions if the High Court deny their budgets

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu assured the ultra-orthodox factions that he would retroactively compensate them if the High Court rejects their budgets. 

The anticipated compensation may involve an augmentation in welfare allowances from the state budget. 

Netanyahu urges swift resolution with the ultra-Orthodox, providing them a reason to remain in the government even if the yeshivot budget faces elimination. 

Legal advisor Gali Bahar-Miara is expected to seek a postponement until the end of June, defending the coalition's request, with the High Court having the final say. 

The Supreme Court mandated the state to clarify the budget proposal procedure within three weeks in response to a petition by the Berel Katznelson Foundation and six MKs. 

The petitioners aim to compel the government to provide comprehensive documents to the Knesset regarding the state budget proposal.

 Recent revelations indicate that a significant portion of budget reserves is designated not for emergencies but as "parking" funds for additional coalition support to religious Zionist and ultra-Orthodox parties. 

The Finance Committee approved the 2024 additional budget bill four days ago, setting the government spending limit at NIS 584.1 billion. After accounting for war expenses, this represents a 14.55% increase from the May 2023 budget, amounting to NIS 70.4 billion.


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